Teen Tips Ltd The Old Candlemakers,
West Street,
BN7 2NZ Lewes,
[email protected] 00441273093940

for schools, parents and carers

Our Resources:

How to help your child with nightmares by Mandy Gurney, Healthcare Professional and Founder of the Millpond Children’s Sleep Clinic

Nightmares can be a distressing experience for both children and parents alike, often leaving little ones feeling frightened and unsettled during the night. In this blog, we will look at what causes your child to have nightmares and practical strategies to help you support your child through them.

The return to school by Alicia Drummond, Therapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub

Do you have children or teenagers who are anxious about returning to school? Read our tips on how to support and prepare them for the return to school.

How to stay mentally healthy at university by Alicia Drummond, Therapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub

Students are particularly vulnerable to mental health struggles as it often means living away from the comforts of home and dealing with the stresses of adult life for the first time. Whilst this new-found independence is exciting, it can also be a little daunting, perhaps overwhelming, so it’s important to feel prepared.

Understanding panic attacks: causes, symptoms, and coping strategies by The Wellbeing Hub

Panic attacks are abrupt and intense episodes characterised by feelings of fear or anxiety. These attacks manifest through a combination of physical and mental symptoms. This informational sheet aims to provide you with the necessary tools to identify and comprehend when you are experiencing a panic attack.

Creating responsible digital citizens and keeping children safe online by Alicia Drummond, Therapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub

We share our blog on how to set young people up to be able to manage their own screen time, as well as exploring the risks they will inevitably encounter online.

Building Emotional Resilience in Children by Dr Alicia Drummond, Therapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub

This blog on the topic of resilience explores why it is important to create environments which build self-esteem, self-efficacy, self-awareness, and self-management if we are to prevent mental health crashes and build emotional resilience in our young people. We also explore what we can do as parents and carers to build these skills.