Why every teenager needs a parrot
Based on Alicia’s book ‘Why Every Teenager Needs A Parrot’ this talk explores the developmental drive of adolescence and how it impacts parent/child relationships and behaviour. We will discuss how our role needs to change, so we can help young people manage risk and avoid harm, and how to talk about sensitive subjects such as drugs, pornography, and relationships.
Changing the stories we tell ourselves
In this talk, we explore the impact stories have on our relationships, our self-esteem, and our attitudes. We look at how our personal scripts and internal dialogues impact our mental health and wellbeing, and what we can do to change a negative script.
Helping your child/ren to have healthy friendships and relationships
In this talk we explore the complex world of child and adolescent friendships and relationships. Research shows that having healthy social relationships protects young people’s mental health and influences behaviour such as teenage risk taking. We explore what parents and carers can do to build the social skills which are so vital for creating friendships, setting boundaries, and resolving conflict.
Building self-esteem
This talk looks at how parents and carers can help children develop the healthy self-esteem which is so vital for protecting their mental health and preventing unhealthy risk-taking behaviours later in life.
Motivating children & young people
This talk looks at how parents and carers can motivate children and young people in ways which gives them the permission to succeed without the pressure to succeed. It looks at how to overcome resistance and to develop intrinsic motivation, create growth mindsets, and what to do if a child refuses to engage or cooperate.
Raising resilient children
This talk explores the four pillars of resilience, the role of risk in building resilience, and how parents can create environments which give children the qualities and skills they will need to overcome the challenges and vicissitudes of life.
Transition to secondary/senior school
This talk looks at how parents and carers can set their children up to thrive in the more adult environment of secondary/senior school. It considers how we need to adjust our parenting style as they become more independent, and the importance of forming a strong home/school alliance.
Understanding adolescence
Adolescence is the most complex of all the developmental stages of life. This talk gives parents and carers a thorough understanding of the developmental and cognitive changes that happen during adolescence, which helps them meet their children’s social and emotional needs.
Buttons & boundaries
This talk explores how we can have a calmer home life and achieve positive outcomes when behaviour is challenging, and emotions are running high. It gives tools to de-escalate drama, sibling rivalry and oppositional behaviour, whilst increasing self-awareness, self-regulation, and cooperation.
Worry, stress & anxiety
This talk gives parents an understanding of good and bad stress, real and hypothetical worries, and anxiety. It explores strategies to help young people manage the worries and stresses of life and avoid the anxiety trap. By understanding techniques from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and research from neuroscience, parents will gain the tools to build their child’s self-awareness and self-management skills, and boost emotional resilience.
How to protect your child's mental health
This talk looks at the personal, social and environmental factors affecting mental health. It considers which factors we can influence as parents, when we need to seek professional help, and what strategies we can give young people to help them protect their own wellbeing.
Creating responsible digital citizens
Understand the positives and negatives of your child’s online world. Help them become responsible digital citizens, who can manage risk and avoid harm. Covering social media use, gaming and cyber bullying, we will explore the latest guidelines on screen time, screen use and the pitfalls to be aware of.
Resilient parents, resilient children
Helping our children become resilient, positive individuals who can cope with life’s vicissitudes is challenging for most parents. In this talk we will explore the importance of building our resilience so that we can be the robust role models our children need. Expect a blend of neuroscience, psychosocial education, and practical tips to build awareness, choice, control, and confidence.
Family dynamics
Our family can be our greatest source of comfort and joy, but it can also be our greatest source of pain and sorrow. Research shows us that close family relationships afford a person better health and wellbeing, as well as lower rates of depression and disease, throughout the course of a lifetime. But in many families, getting along isn’t a given, and the complicated dynamics between the various members can make life deeply difficult. The aim of this talk is to delve into what makes families work well, and what we can do when they are not working so well.
The teen social scene
Navigating the teen social scene as a parent can be an alarming experience. This talk looks at the conversations parents need to have to help young teenagers make the choices which are right for them when out with friends and faced with peer pressure. It explores common drinking myths, drugs and sleepovers, and gives practical advice to those planning on hosting an event for teenagers.
Creating cultures of success
Do you want to create an environment for your child which gives them the permission to succeed without the pressure to succeed? Does your child avoid challenges and new experiences? Are they able to handle failure, and bounce back after setbacks? Do they show perfectionist tendencies, lack motivation, or avoid putting in effort? Learn how to create a culture for your child which encourages a positive attitude, intrinsic motivation, and the growth mindsets they will need to thrive socially, emotionally and academically.
Relationships, pornography and consent
The complex world of adolescent relationships is one that many parents feel ill equipped to broach. In this talk we look at sexuality, gender, healthy and unhealthy relationships, consent, pornography and how to discuss these topics with young people.
Setting up for exam success
This talk gives parents the knowledge and guidance to support children through revision and exam preparation, including information on diet, revision techniques, and tools to help them manage any pre-exam stress and anxiety, so that they can perform to the best of their ability on the day.
Building Self-Esteem in Children and Young People
This talk considers how parents and caregivers can help children develop the robust self-esteem which is so vital for safeguarding their mental wellbeing, preventing unhealthy risk-taking during adolescence and later life, and resisting peer pressure.
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