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Public First resources

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people

Currently impacting more than 170,000 pupils in over 300 schools.


This page has been put together for the coalition of Public First members and has been created to give you a taste of just a few of the resources that can be found on The Wellbeing Hub. Please watch our short tour for staff on the right and scroll down to explore resources and book a personalised tour or meeting.

Staff Wellbeing - Managing Stress webinar recording

In this session, various coping mechanisms are explored to help manage stress effectively. It begins by examining the underlying reasons why we experience stress, shedding light on the psychological and physiological factors that contribute to our stress levels. Practical strategies and techniques are then shared to alleviate stress, both at home and in school settings. The advice provided is designed to empower you with the tools you need to find balance and maintain wellbeing.

By: Alicia Drummond, Therapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub

School avoidance, absenteeism, non-attendance: A supportive guide for staff

We have created this resource to help staff address the growing problem of persistent student absenteeism. Many of our member schools contributed to the ideas and advice included in this resource.  We have focused on those who want to be in school but find themselves unable to attend for social or emotional reasons rather than those who truant for behavioural reasons, but many of the suggestions and pathways included are appropriate for using with this latter group. 

By: Alicia Drummond, Therapist and Founder of The Wellbeing Hub

Creating a positive body image: A resource to support your students

What is body image?

Body image is you you think and feel about your body and appearance. It’s your mental picture of yourself. Some people have a positive body image, while others have a negative one, which can affect various aspects of their life. Download our PDF to support children and young people to have a more positive body image.

By: Natasha Devon MBE, Author, Presenter and Activist

Find out how The Wellbeing Hub can support a proactive approach to children and young people’s mental health for your whole school community.

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